Saturday, March 31, 2018

Rebuilding The Heathit AT-1 Transmitter - Planning

To plan the AT-1 restoration, I collected information I could on the unit including a partial manual and some other articles published in the past on the radio and modifications for it.

I took many high resolution digital camera pictures from as many angles as possible to assist when I reassemble it.

I also made a spreadsheet of the parts list (bill of materials), based on the BOM in the manual, annotated with component designations (the original manual did not use any) and notes on whether to reuse the existing part or purchase new one, and the vendor to get the parts from, where applicable.

I took key voltage measurements as well as measuringe the RF power output, for later comparison when it is rebuilt. I get about 10 Watts of power on the lower bands, and 4 Watts on 10 meters.

I think I will keep the mod for the pilot lamp since there is a large hole in the chassis and front panel drilled for it and it isuseful to be able to see when it is powered on.

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