Monday, July 9, 2012

Implementing A Mini Assembler

One of the features missing from JMON was a "mini assembler" like the one included in the Apple II computers.

I implemented one with roughly the same features and limitations as the one in the Apple II, i.e. it assembles simple 6502 assembly language code where all numeric values are in hex and there is no support for symbols or labels.

It is very handy for writing short assembly language programs where you don't want to fire up a cross-assembler or even Krusader.

In conjunction with the disassembler you can verify the program you entered and then run it.

The code leveraged the data tables in the JMON disassembler. Most of the work is parsing the entered code to validate it and determine the addressing mode.

While I only implemented 6502 support in this first version, because it uses the tables from my disassembler, it does accept 65C02 and even 65816 instructions that use the standard 6502 addressing modes. It just doesn't yet understand the new addressing modes for the 65C02 or 65816.

A sample session is shown below, where the user entered text is in bold.

? A 6F00
6F00: CLD
6F01: CLI
6F02: LDY #7F
6F04: STY D012
6F07: LDA #A7
6F09: STA D011
6F0C: STA D013
6F0F: LDA #5C
6F11: JSR 6FEF
6F14: JSR 6F1B
6F17: BCC 6F0F
6F19: BCS 6F14
6F1B: JSR 6EE5
6F1E: LDY #01
6F20: DEY
6F21: BMI 6F1B
6F23: JSR 6EBE
6F26: STA 0200,Y
6F29: CMP #0D
6F2B: BEQ 6F38
6F2D: CMP #5F
6F2F: BEQ 6F20
6F31: CMP #1B

It provides meaningful error messages and checks the validity of the code. Below are some error messages:

6000: LDA #1234
6000: LDA (1234)
6000: BNE 7000
6000: LDB

I tested it as I built up the code, but the final test was to disassemble about a thousand lines of JMON code and then feed that back to the assembler and confirm that it accepted it and generated the same code.

I'll probably add support for the rest of the 65C02 instructions in future and maybe also the 65816.

As always, the code is available here.

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