Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tips and Tricks for the CFFA1

As I've been using the CFFA1 Compact Flash Interface with my Replica 1, I came across a few tips and tricks that others may find useful. So here they are, in no particular order.

There are two menu commands that are undocumented and commented out in the source code for the help command, but they are enabled and available in the firmware. Control-S is a STATUS command which displays the status of a drive. Typical output looks like this:

DRIVE # (0-3): $3

Control-D is a DEBUG command which toggles the display of additional debug information about data blocks being read.

While Linux does not directly support the ProDOS file system, you can copy the CF card under Linux using the "dd" command. This can be useful to back up a memory card or write an image, such as a po file like the Ultimate Apple 1 Archive. A Google search indicates there are some ProDOS utilities for Linux similar to Cider Press for Windows but I haven't looked at any of them yet.

If you want to make changes to the CFFA1 firmware and test it out, you can assemble it to RAM and run it from there, avoiding the need to program it into the EEPROM. I had to change a little more than just the definition of "Origin" in the source code. If you want a patch to do this, let me know and I'll send it to you.

If you want to reprogram the EEPROM on the CFFA1 with new software, it is quite easy. There is a procedure described in the manual which works. Another option is to use my JMON machine language monitor program. The basic approach is:

  1. Build the firmware for EEPROM at address $A000.
  2. Generate a Woz Mon file located in RAM, say, starting at address $6000.
  3. Load the JMON program.
  4. Load the Woz Mon file into memory.
  5. Enable EEPROM write access using DIP switch 4 in the CFFA1.
  6. Use JMON to copy the firmware from RAM at $6000 to EEPROM at $A000. Use a write delay (a value of 20 worked for me).
  7. Use JMON to verify the data after copying.
  8. Set DIP switch 4 back to disable EEPROM write access

If you run a buggy program when the CFFA1 is installed you may see a message "BREAK..." and then get placed in the Woz Monitor. This is a BRK handler that the CFFA1 installs. It also installs an IRQ handler. This can potentially interfere with other programs such as JMON that also set BRK handlers but is useful if a program encounters a bug and hits a BRK instruction (hex value $00).

This is documented in the manual but easy to overlook: From Apple BASIC you can invoke the CFFA1 menu with "CALL -24000". When invoked in this way to BASIC using the warm start address, so any BASIC program loaded from the CFFA1 will still be in memory and ready to run.

The CFFA1 card has data at two defined memory locations that can be used to identify when the card is present. The ID bytes listed in the manual are not correct the addresses. The CFFA1_API.s API file and documentation says to read addresses $AFFC and $AFFD but the hardware and firmware actually uses addresses $AFDC and $AFDD. Further, my CFFA1 board did not have these locations programmed even though firmware on CD-ROM did. I rewrite the EEPROM on my board using the firmware on the CD.

Here is the guts of the code I used to determine of a CFFA1 is present when I hooked up JMON and BASIC to the CFFA1 menu:

        LDA     $AFDC    ; First CFFA1 ID byte
        CMP     #$CF     ; Should contain $CF
        BNE     NoCFFA1
        LDA     $AFDD    ; First CFFA1 ID byte
        CMP     #$FA     ; Should contain $FA
        BNE     NoCFFA1
        JSR     $9006    ; Jump to CFFA1 menu, will return when done.

It is easy to load and save Applesoft Lite programs. The LOAD and SAVE commands support a CFFA1 card, if present. The commands accept a filename as a parameter (e.g. "SAVE MYPROGRAM"). The MENU command will launch the CFFA1's built-in menu.

I made a port of Enhanced BASIC for the Replica 1. If you want to save and load Enhanced BASIC programs, here is a procedure that will work. Save the programs as a binary file from Ram_base ($0400) to Ram_top ($5000). The length should be $4C00.

Once you have loaded and run EHBASIC, type LOAD or SAVE to invoke the CFFA1 menu. Then WRITE or LOAD as desired. QUIT after loading or saving to return to EHBASIC.

I may do a more sophisticated integration in the future (like what was done for Applesoft Lite).

I made a port of OSI BASIC for the Replica 1. The latest version will will invoke the CFFA1 menu when LOAD or SAVED is executed and a CFFA1 card is found. QUIT returns to BASIC.

You need to write memory from RAMSTART2 ($0300) to whatever address you specified in response to the "MEMORY SIZE?" prompt on cold start of BASIC. This address is also stored in addresses $85 and $86.

So for example, if you responded to "MEMORY SIZE?" with 24000, location $85 and $86 contain address $5DC0 which corresponds to 24000 in decimal.

To run a program after loading, either quit to get back to MS BASIC or invoke BASIC through warmstart, e.g. address $6274 if loaded into RAM at $6000.

I may do better integration in the future (like was done for Applesoft Lite).

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