Saturday, April 21, 2012

Latest CC65 Patches for Replica 1

There have been various patches for the cc65 assembler / compiler tools to support Apple 1 and Replica 1 systems but I haven't seen any patches for the latest release. I took patches for 2.12 (thanks to  Jeremy Rand for these) and got them working with 2.13.3. The patches can be found here.

I am hoping to get these patches applied back to the original source at so future releases will support Apple 1 / Replica 1 systems out of the box.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeff,

    Did you ever get these ported back to the upstream? The source repository for cc65 is on Github at these days.

    It'd be great to see the Apple 1 as a supported cc65 target! I've been playing around with it, the ca65 macro assembler alone makes it worthwhile.
