Monday, March 19, 2012

Adventure Game for Replica 1 Available

After some beta testing by family members my adventure game for the Replica 1 is available for download from here. I'd like to hear from anyone who gives it whirl. Were you able to complete it? Was it too easy? Too hard?


  1. Hi Jeff!

    Your adventure game looks AWESOME!

    I've downloaded the source, and attempted to compile in my Linux VM, which has cc65/ca65 installed (and patched for Apple1/Replica1). This setup has been able to successfully assemble and compile things before that run on my 6502-based computer. But, for whatever reason, although I'm able to compile (and I end up with adventure.mon, start address $803) it won't run. Any ideas?

    I do have to remove part of the Makefile instruction that tells it to handle adventure.lst- the makefile would otherwise tell me it doesn't know how to handle a file of type .lst otherwise.


  2. Oops! Operator error! Took a closer look at the Makefile, and realized I was attempting to compile for ehBASIC! Quick switch of some comments and it compiles and runs. Thank you!


  3. Interesting! I would like to try it... and wonder if others have attempted it too?

    Would there be anyway to run this in the MAME emulation of an Apple I if we launch it with 32k memory and set HIMEM=32767? What would be the load commands to properly load a cassette wav file and then run it in Apple 1 BASIC?
    I've tried first loading BASIC, and then
    (play on tape)

    I always end up getting some weird error message and 2921 displayed instead of a basic program loading. Alternatively, maybe there is some kind of saved file that would import into CiderPress? Then we could load it onto the CFFA card? I've tried this too, but can't seem to get CiderPress to recognize the Adventure Wav file.


  4. Hi Jeff,

    Great game!

    After some changes I were able to get it running on an Arduino Uno.

    If you want to check it out I have uploaded the code and some pics of it running on an 80s terminal to my Github page.

    73 de ZR1RF

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