Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Retrocomputing Basic Implementations

Here is a summary of a number of Basic implementations that I have come across and worked with as part of my retrocomputing hobby. Many of these were ported by me or others to different platforms from the ones they were originally written for (for example, single board computers based on the 6502, 6809, Z80, and 68000 microprocessors). These are all found on my github  account.

Name Developer Platform Code size Comments
Enhanced Basic (68000) Lee Davison 68000 14K Full-featured Basic for 68K platform
Tiny Basic for the 68000 Gordon Brandly 68000 4K Derived from and similar to Palo Alto Tiny Basic.
Enhanced Basic (6502) Lee Davison 6502 11K Full-featured Basic for 6502 platform.
Microsoft Basic for 6502 Microsoft Apple 2, Commodore, KIM-1, OSI, and others 8K Basic used on several early 6502-based microcomputers.
Tiny Basic for 6502 Tom Pitman 6502 3K Originally published in Dr. Dobbs Journal.
Apple 1 Basic Steve Wozniak 6502 (Apple 1) 4K Basic for the Apple 1, later expanded into Apple 2 Integer Basic.
BBC Basic 2 for Acorn Atom/BBC Computer Roger Wilson (Acorn Computer) 6502-based Acorn Atom and BBC Computers 16K Basic for the Acorn Atom and BBC Computers.
Tiny Basic for 6800 Tom Pitman 6800 2K My version runs on the Heathkit ETA-3400.
Tiny Basic for 6809 Tom Pitman 6809 2K 6809 port of 6800 version.
TSC Micro BASIC PLUS Technical Systems Consultants 6809 4K Similar to Tiny Basic.
Sinclair ZX81 Basic John Grant and Steve Vickers, Nine Tiles Networks and Sinclair Research Sinclair ZX80/ZX81, Timex 1000 8K Basic for the Sinclair ZX81 computer.

A List of Cross-Assemblers for Retrocomputing

 In my retrocomputing projects with various processors I have used a number of cross-assemblers to build code. I've had to use several in order to support different processors as well as for compatibility with different software packages. For the most part they are similar, but have their own unique features and quirks.

I put this table together, mostly for my own reference, that others may also find useful. It is by no means a complete list -- just those that I have used.

Name Author Source Supported Processors Key Features Comments
as9 Motorola, with changes by Albert van der Horst and others 6809 macros 100% compatible with Motorola assembler
asl Alfred Arnold and others many (over 50) Macros I have used with several processors
asm6809 Ciaran Anscomb 6809, 6309 macros Good choice if 6309 support needed.
cc65 John R. Dunning, Ullrich von Bassewitz, and others 6502, 65C02 C compiler, assembler, linker, librarian Supports several 8-bit computer platforms.
crasm Leon Bottou 6800, 6801, 6803, 6502, 65C02, Z80 macros Included in most Linux distributions.
gcc Richard Stallman and others Many Compilers and assemblers I used for 68000. Included in most Linux distributions.
lwasm William Astle and others 6809, 6309 Cross-assembler and linker. macros
vasmm68k_mot Volker Barthelmann Many Cross-assembler I used for 68000.
z80asm Bas Wijnen Z80 Z80 cross-assembler Included in most Linux distributions.