Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Hugo Winner Book Review: The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert A. Heinlein
The winner of the Hugo for best novel in 1967, this was the sixth (and last) Hugo won by Heinlein.
It is pretty much classic Heinlein fare, with a good adventure story, interesting characters, and some bold predictions about the future. He also used it as a vehicle to promote some of his ideas on politics, the military, and marriage, but keeps it a little more restrained and less preachy than some of his earlier (and later) novels. It also has a little more humour than his earlier novels.
I had read it some time ago, but enjoyed it on re-reading. In some ways it seems more like his stories written prior to Stranger in a Strange Land, despite being written later. My only complain was that it used a strange plot device: the narrator speaks in a dialect of English influenced by Russian. The use of some Russian words was fine, but his speech takes on some features of Russian grammar, most notably omitting the use of the article "the". Find it makes for annoying read after while.
The novel also helped popularize the expression TANSTAAFL: There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch, although it was apparently in use before the book used it.
Reviewing Heinlein's bibliography, I would also say that this marked the last of his books that I really enjoyed. His later works (1970 and later) seemed to me to either repeat similar themes, and/or seemed to be written merely to shock the reader.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
6809 Single Board Computer: TSC Micro Basic Plus
On the hunt for interesting software that could run on my 6809 Single Board Computer, I came across a small BASIC interpreter.
Originally written for the 6800 processor to run on systems like the Southwest Technical Products SWTPC, Micro Basic Plus was developed by Technical Systems Consultants in 1976 and cost $15.95 for the manual and listing. A cassette tape was $6.95 and paper tape was $6.00. The original version can be found here and had this marketing blurb about it:
TSC Micro Basic Plus
This is the most complete small Basic available to micro users. Statements include: PRINT, INPUT, READ, DATA, RESTORE, IF ... THEN, GOTO, GOSUB, LET, ON ...GOTO, ON ...GOSUB, RETURN, FOR (with + and - step), NEXT, DIM (single and double dimensioned arrays up to 98 by 98), REM and END. There are also several functions available which include TAB and SPC (for output formatting), RND, ABS, SGN and exponentiation. The commands available to the user are LIST, SCRATCH, RUN, and MONITOR. But the list does not stop here. MICRO BASIC PLUS also includes a complete line editor ability to have multiple statements per line, direct execution of most statements, large arithmetic range (integer only -99999 to +99999), and a very simple load and dump procedure for saving the user's BASIC program on paper tape or cassette and then reloading it at a later time. Also included is an EXTERNAL statement which allows the user to write 6800 machine language subroutines to be called during BASIC program execution.
You are probably thinking all this sounds great, but if the less extensive versions of small BASIC require 23K of memory then this version must require 5 or 6K because the capability is doubled. Well here is the icing on the cake. MICRO BASIC PLUS resides in a fraction over 3K which means that in a 4K system you still have room for a 30 to 60 line BASIC program. For more complex programs, we recommend a system with 8K or more of memory.
One more plus... you not only receive a complete manual and hex dump of the program, but also the fully commented source listing! This is a great aid for learning programming techniques as well as enabling you to alter the program should you so desire.
I found a 6809 port here, developed by Drexel University to run on their 6809 Single Board Computer. It looks to have been a straight port from 6800 to 6809 mnemonics with the input/output routines adapted to their hardware and monitor.
I ported it to my board, using ASSIST09 monitor routines for i/o. I had it up and running in an evening, and made a few improvements after that. It supports most common BASIC keywords including ON/GOTO and ON/GOSUB and one and two dimensional arrays.
Overall, though, the language is pretty limited as compared to other BASICs with support for integer math only and no string variables at all. This is not surprising given that it is only a little of 3 Kilobytes in size! It is not too different in capabilities from Apple 1 BASIC originally written by Steve Wozniak and later expanded into Integer BASIC for the Apple ][.
I tried a few sample programs and they ran quite well. I made an enhancement it to show full error messages rather than just numbers (which increases the size by another 1/2 K or so). The code is here.
For running real BASIC programs I think I will stick to the port of Microsoft BASIC for the Color Computer, but this is an interesting little program.
Originally written for the 6800 processor to run on systems like the Southwest Technical Products SWTPC, Micro Basic Plus was developed by Technical Systems Consultants in 1976 and cost $15.95 for the manual and listing. A cassette tape was $6.95 and paper tape was $6.00. The original version can be found here and had this marketing blurb about it:
TSC Micro Basic Plus
This is the most complete small Basic available to micro users. Statements include: PRINT, INPUT, READ, DATA, RESTORE, IF ... THEN, GOTO, GOSUB, LET, ON ...GOTO, ON ...GOSUB, RETURN, FOR (with + and - step), NEXT, DIM (single and double dimensioned arrays up to 98 by 98), REM and END. There are also several functions available which include TAB and SPC (for output formatting), RND, ABS, SGN and exponentiation. The commands available to the user are LIST, SCRATCH, RUN, and MONITOR. But the list does not stop here. MICRO BASIC PLUS also includes a complete line editor ability to have multiple statements per line, direct execution of most statements, large arithmetic range (integer only -99999 to +99999), and a very simple load and dump procedure for saving the user's BASIC program on paper tape or cassette and then reloading it at a later time. Also included is an EXTERNAL statement which allows the user to write 6800 machine language subroutines to be called during BASIC program execution.
You are probably thinking all this sounds great, but if the less extensive versions of small BASIC require 23K of memory then this version must require 5 or 6K because the capability is doubled. Well here is the icing on the cake. MICRO BASIC PLUS resides in a fraction over 3K which means that in a 4K system you still have room for a 30 to 60 line BASIC program. For more complex programs, we recommend a system with 8K or more of memory.
One more plus... you not only receive a complete manual and hex dump of the program, but also the fully commented source listing! This is a great aid for learning programming techniques as well as enabling you to alter the program should you so desire.
I found a 6809 port here, developed by Drexel University to run on their 6809 Single Board Computer. It looks to have been a straight port from 6800 to 6809 mnemonics with the input/output routines adapted to their hardware and monitor.
I ported it to my board, using ASSIST09 monitor routines for i/o. I had it up and running in an evening, and made a few improvements after that. It supports most common BASIC keywords including ON/GOTO and ON/GOSUB and one and two dimensional arrays.
Overall, though, the language is pretty limited as compared to other BASICs with support for integer math only and no string variables at all. This is not surprising given that it is only a little of 3 Kilobytes in size! It is not too different in capabilities from Apple 1 BASIC originally written by Steve Wozniak and later expanded into Integer BASIC for the Apple ][.
I tried a few sample programs and they ran quite well. I made an enhancement it to show full error messages rather than just numbers (which increases the size by another 1/2 K or so). The code is here.
For running real BASIC programs I think I will stick to the port of Microsoft BASIC for the Color Computer, but this is an interesting little program.
Friday, February 8, 2019
A 6809 Single Board Computer: Cross-Compilers under Linux
Assembling code by hand is possible, but for any program of non-trivial size, cross-compilation is the way to go, even for 8-bit processors like the 6809. When working with my 6809 single board computer I went looking for a suitable cross-assembler. My requirements were to support the 6809, run on Linux, and be freely available. I came across three suitable programs, which I'll briefly describe here.
AS9 Assembler
Home page:
This code is apparently derived from the original and official Motorola cross-assembler circa 1981. Written in very old pre-ANSI standard C, it was modified by a number of people over the years, and this version was last modified Albert van der Horst in 2004 to compile under Linux. I had no trouble building it under Ubuntu Linux.
As the official Motorola assembler, it follows the Motorola documentation. It seems pretty comprehensive, and supports the 6800, 6809, 68HC11, and some other chips in the 68xx series.
I have used this as my primary cross-assembler to develop or port the 6809 code I've been working on. The S-record files it generates are happily accepted by the ASSIST09 monitor's Load command.
Here is a sample output listing:
0005 7000 ORG $7000 ; Start address
0007 7000 86 12 START: LDA #$12
0008 7002 c6 34 LDB #$34
0009 7004 8e 56 78 LDX #$5678
0010 7007 1e 89 EXG A,B
0011 7009 12 NOP
0012 700a 12 NOP
0013 700b 39 RTS
The only quirk I encountered is a known issue where it can produce invalid warnings about comments. I worked around this when needed by disabling warnings with a command line option.
ASM6809 Assembler
Home page:
This is a portable cross assembler targeting the Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 written by Ciaran Anscomb. It features arbitrarily complex expressions (with most C-style operators available), forward references, macro expansion and conditional assembly. Output formats are: raw binary, DragonDOS binary, Color Computer RS-DOS or "DECB" binary, Motorola S record, and Intel HEX.
Written in C, it is licensed under the GPL and is actively being maintained with the latest version being 2.11 released on 2018-07-27.
I downloaded the source and was able to build it with no problems simply by running the configure script, make, and sudo make install.
Trying it on my 6809 disassembler program (about 2000 lines of code), the only issues I encountered were that it didn't accept labels with a colon at the end and it didn't like one symbol I used that started with a dot. After making appropriate changes, the code built fine. It even warns that some long branches fit in eight bits and could have used short branches, so I modified them and made the code a little smaller. I did notice that it generated slightly different code than the as9 assembler had, where it picked a different (more efficient) indexed addressing mode that could use a 5-bit displacement.
Here is a sample listing:
7000 ORG $7000 ; Start address
7000 8612 START LDA #$12
7002 C634 LDB #$34
7004 8E5678 LDX #$5678
7007 1E89 EXG A,B
7009 12 NOP
700A 12 NOP
700B 39 RTS
It generated a Motorola S record (RUN) file, but the ASSIST09 firmware did not like to load it. Investigation showed that it was producing S record files with invalid checksums. I made a code fix to the source for this. It also doesn't produce the S9 record at the end of the file that ASSIST09 wants to see, unless you have an END directory specifying that start address.
Home page:
LWTOOLS is a set of cross-development tools for the Motorola 6809 and Hitachi 6309 microprocessors. It supports a number of output formats including raw binary, Motorola S record, Color Computer binaries, and a proprietary object file format that supports linking.
It is implemented in C and is actively maintained. I used version 4.16 that was released in December 2018.
It supports a number of platforms. I was able to build it with no issues on Ubuntu Linux. It installs a number of tools including lwasm, lwlink, lwar, and lwobjdump.
Here is a sample output listing:
( ex1.asm):00005 ORG $7000 ; Start address
( ex1.asm):00006
7000 8612 ( ex1.asm):00007 START LDA #$12
7002 C634 ( ex1.asm):00008 LDB #$34
7004 8E5678 ( ex1.asm):00009 LDX #$5678
7007 1E89 ( ex1.asm):00010 EXG A,B
7009 12 ( ex1.asm):00011 NOP
700A 12 ( ex1.asm):00012 NOP
700B 39 ( ex1.asm):00013 RTS
I only tried the assembler, using my disassembler program again. It didn't like items in FCB directives to be separated by any white space, only commas. It also didn't a like symbol starting with "." Other than that it assembled it fine, and generated a S record file which I successfully loaded and ran on the single board computer.
For advanced development work where you might want to assemble multiple files and link them, this looks like a good choice for a toolset. A 6809-based C compiler I have tried, CMOC, uses it as it's cross-assembler.
All three of these cross-assemblers look adequate for basic 6809 assembly language programming hosted on a Linux desktop. With a few changes I was able to get same source code for my disassembler to build with all three assemblers.Tuesday, February 5, 2019
A 6809 Single Board Computer: Disassembler and Thoughts on the 6809
As a project to use my 6809 SBC and learn more about 6809 assembly language programming, I wrote a disassembler that can run on the board. The design was loosely based on the one I did for the 6502.
While straightforward in principle, a disassembler for the 6809 is a little more challenging that for the 6502 for a number of reasons:
- It supports many instructions.
- Some instructions have unique operand formats (e.g. TFR/EXG, PSH/PULS).
- There are many (24) different indexed addressing modes.
- The instruction length can change based on the indexed addressing mode being used.
- Some instructions are two bytes long, prefixed by $10 or $11 (the so-called page 2 and page 3 op codes).
It is mostly portable. It uses ASSIST09 monitor routines for i/o, but other than that could be used on other systems with minor changes.
I implemented over a few evenings, building it up in pieces. It took some time (but less than I expected) to handle all the index addressing modes and to correctly handle the differing instruction lengths and page 2/3 instructions.
My basic approaches for testing and debug were:
- Test low level functions, like PrintString, on their own with some test code.
- "Desk check" complex code on paper to try to verify the logic, use of registers, etc.
- Build it up in stages and confirm them working before adding on (e.g. initially just display hex bytes)
I initially ran it standalone, but at the end I was able to also support installing it as an external command in the ASSSIST09 monitor, so you can run it by typing U (for unassemble). ASSIST09 has calls to add new commands, so it can be done without changing the code in ROM.
Here is some sample output (disassembling the start of the ASSIST09 ROM code):
>U F800
F800 30 8D 68 BE LEAX $68BE ,PCR
F804 1F 10 TFR X,D
F806 1F 8B TFR A,DP
F808 97 9D STA $9D
F80A 33 84 LEAU ,X
F80C 31 8C 35 LEAY $35 ,PCR
F80F EF 81 STU ,X++
F811 C6 16 LDB #$16
F813 34 04 PSHS B
F815 1F 20 TFR Y,D
F817 E3 A1 ADDD ,Y++
F819 ED 81 STD ,X++
F81B 6A E4 DEC ,S
F81D 26 F6 BNE $F815
F81F C6 0D LDB #$0D
F821 A6 A0 LDA ,Y+
F823 A7 80 STA ,X+
F825 5A DECB
F826 26 F9 BNE $F821
F828 31 8D F7 D4 LEAY $F7D4 ,PCR
F82C 8E 20 FE LDX #$20FE
F82F AC A1 CMPX ,Y++
F831 26 02 BNE $F835
F833 AD A4 JSR ,Y
With a little more 6809 assembly language programming experience under my belt, it is interesting to compare it to the other 8-bit processor I am most familiar with, the 6502. Let me list a few thoughts here.
Having two accumulators is very handy. Often one is being used as an accumulator for some form of data, but another may be needed for indexing or as a parameter to calling another routine. Surprisingly, I also found myself using the 16-bit D register (which uses A and B) because I needed 16-bit data. Some functions, like addition and subtraction, are supported on the D register, but many only have 8-bit versions which you need to combine using several instructions to work on 16 bits of data.
Two index registers is also handy (the 6502 has two, but the 6809's predecessor the 6800 only had one). But I found in practice that I rarely needed a second one. Having 16-bit index registers, unlike the 8-bit registers of the 6502, was much more convenient as you often find you are using them to store addresses.
The 6502 typically makes the programmer heavily use addresses in the first 256 bytes of memory (page 0). Some key instructions and addressing modes can only work with page zero. For that reason, these tend to become valuable real estate and you can run out of them or run into collisions between different uses of them. In contrast, the 6809 has a more orthogonal instruction set and all relevant instructions can work with full 16-bit addresses. It does have direct mode (8-bit addresses) but with the Direct Page register you can have them work with any page of memory, not just page zero. I did not use this feature (the ASSIST09 monitor does) but I can see it being useful when you wanted to optimize the size of your code.
In general the 6809 is more orthogonal than the 6502, with few limitations on the addressing modes or operands of instructions. Unlike the 6502 you can push, pull, transfer, or exchange any registers. The push and pull (PSHS/PSHU/PULS/PULU) instructions are particularly nice in that you can push or pull a set of registers in one instruction. The order of push and pull is defined, so that you do not have to ensure that the order is correct in your code (provided you push and pull the same list of registers). There are two stack pointers, but I only used one. And of course, the 16-bit stack pointer is much more reasonable than the 8-bit stack on the 6502 that is fixed in page 1 of memory.
Transfer (TFR) and Exchange (EXG) are two other instructions which are very handy for moving registers around without any restrictions. The 6502 had some limitations on what registers you could transfer and had no equivalent to EXG.
The 6809 introduced a MULtiply instruction, which sounded at the time like a luxury for assembly language programmers. I actually used it in an early version of my disassembler program when I needed to multiply the offset to a table by 4 and get a 16-bit result. I felt it was overkill using a multiply to do this, and later did it using two shifts (you can easily implement a 16-bit shift of the D register using two instructions: ASLB, ROLA).
The 6809 has many more addressing modes than the 6502, with 24 variations of indexed addressing. I think it is unlikely that assembly language programmers would use the majority of these as just a few of them generally suffice. I suspect the original intention may have been to help support compilers of high-level languages that could use these.
One quirk with indexed addressing that could confuse programmers is that the 5, 8, and 16 b-t offset modes consider the offset to be signed. So, for example, the 5 bit offsets are not 0 to 31 but rather -16 to 15. If you have a lookup table of 256 elements, for example, and expect the 8-bit offset indexed addressing mode to access all of them starting from an offset of zero, you will be surprised when values of $80 and higher don't read the table entries you expected. I ran into this, and solved it by using 16-bit offset in this case.
One instruction that you could easily overlook is LEA (Load Effective Address). It might not seem particularly useful, essentially removing one level of indirection. In fact it is very useful, and is the key to a lot of efficient programming as it can make use of all of the indexed addressing modes and make code position independent.
The 6809 supports position independent code (PIC). The ASSIST09 monitor, for example, is fully position independent. It is not particularly hard to write PIC code, and I made some effort to try this in the disassembler. Mostly it is a matter of using branches rather than jumps and using the PCR (program counter relative) addressing mode when working with addresses. I did leave the memory locations in RAM used by the program at fixed addresses. One annoyance is that as code gets larger during development 8-bit branches often fail and need to be converted to long branches. Unlike some assemblers, the one I was using did not automatically select short or long branches as needed.
Overall, the 6809 is quite a pleasant processor to program, with more instructions, more and larger registers than the 6502. Of course, it is not really a fair comparison as it came a generation later and could make use of advanced in technology that allowed a more complex chip. The 6800 was of the same vintage as the 6502. In fact, the decision to use the 6502 over the 6800 in a number of early computers was based on cost. Compared to the $300 price tag of the 6800, the 6502 sold for $25. The Apple 1 was originally designed to use a 6800, but was converted to the 6502 when Steve Wozniak learned about it. The schematic diagram for the Apple 1 still listed the circuit changes needed on the board to use a 6800.